Friday, January 30, 2015

Article: A task is a task is a task: putting complex span, n-back, and other working memory indicators in ...

Content curated by IQs Corner and the MindHub

A task is a task is a task: putting complex span, n-back, and other working memory indicators in ...

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Sharing The neuroscience of motivated cognition via BrowZine

Content curated by IQs Corner and the MindHub

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sharing The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory via BrowZine

Reposting as original post had the link info MIA..don't know why

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory
D'Esposito, Mark; Postle, Bradley R.
Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 66 Issue 1 – 2015: 115 - 142


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Friday, January 23, 2015

Article: US intelligence group wants to reverse-engineer human brain algorithms

US intelligence group wants to reverse-engineer human brain algorithms

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Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist 
Institute for Applied Psychometrics

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sharing Innovative testing of spatial ability: interactive responding and the use of complex stimuli material via BrowZine

Innovative testing of spatial ability: interactive responding and the use of complex stimuli material
Jelínek, Martin; Květon, Petr; Vobořil, Dalibor
Cognitive Processing, Vol. 16 Issue 1 – 2015: 45 - 55


University of Minnesota Users:

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Accessed with BrowZine, supported by University of Minnesota.

Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist
Institute for Applied Psychometrics

Monday, January 19, 2015

PEBS Neuroethics Roundup (JHU) [feedly]

Content curation by IQs Corner

PEBS Neuroethics Roundup (JHU)
// Neuroethics & Law Blog

Last Edition's Most Popular Article(s): If You Want to Meet That Deadline, Play a Trick on Your Mind, New York Times In The Popular Press: The Woman Who Sees Like A Bat, Nature Audio I Tried A Brain-Altering Wearable That...

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sharing What Works in Gifted Education: Documenting the Effects of an Integrated Curricular/Instructional Model for Gifted Students via BrowZine

What Works in Gifted Education: Documenting the Effects of an Integrated Curricular/Instructional Model for Gifted Students
Callahan, C. M.; Moon, T. R.; Oh, S.; Azano, A. P.; Hailey, E. P.
American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 52 Issue 1 – 2015: 137 - 167


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Sharing Who are the “Clever Sillies”? The intelligence, personality, and motives of clever silly originators and those who follow them via BrowZine

Who are the "Clever Sillies"? The intelligence, personality, and motives of clever silly originators and those who follow them
Dutton, Edward; van der Linden, Dimitri
Intelligence, Vol. 49 – 2015: 57 - 65


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Article: Shorter, better, faster, free: Blogging changes the nature of academic research, not just how it is communicated

Many of the reasons I blog are summarized in this excellent piece.

Shorter, better, faster, free: Blogging changes the nature of academic research, not just how it is communicated

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Timing and Time Perception Journal

I am not sure how I missed this journal being started in 2013.  It looks like an awesome resource for cutting edge research on the brain clock, brain timing, temporal processing, etc.  I will monitor it on a regular basis.  Click here for more information on the journal.

Friday, January 16, 2015
1:51 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Article: Artificial intelligence is aim of IARPA MICrONS

Artificial intelligence is aim of IARPA MICrONS

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Get it for free to keep up with the news you care about.

Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist 
Institute for Applied Psychometrics

Sunday, January 11, 2015

AAIDD "The Death Penalty and Intellectual Disability: A Guide" press release

The staff from AAIDD gave me permission to post a copy of the official AAIDD press release about the new publication on ID and the death penalty (Atkins cases).  A PDF copy of the release can be found here.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sharing Executive functioning in individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders via BrowZine

Executive functioning in individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders
Roelofs, R. L.; Visser, E. M.; Berger, H. J. C.; Prins, J. B.; Van Schrojenstein Lantman-De Valk, H. M. J.; Teunisse, J. P.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Vol. 59 Issue 2 – 2015: 125 - 137


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Friday, January 09, 2015

Redesigned and awesome ISIR (International Society for Intelligence Research) web page

It had been a while since I visited the ISIR web page.  I checked today and see that it has been completely redesigned.  It is AWESOME.  For those serious about human intelligence research, ISIR is THE professional organization one needs to join.  I have attended a couple of their conferences and they are top notch.  I hope to attend the 2015 conference in Sept.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

AAIDD "Death Penalty and Intellectual Disability" A Guide" is now available at AAIDD website!

The AAIDD ID and death penalty guide is now available at the AAIDD webpage!  Although the title is focused on the death penalty and ID (Atkins cases), having written two of the chapters (Flynn effect; Intellectual functioning), I believe all professionals in the field of psychological, assessment and ID should have this reference book--it presents recommendations for ID practice that go well beyond the official AAIDD classification book (the Green book) and are relevant to ID assessment practices in general.

Description of the guide at the AAIDD webpage.

  • In the 2002 landmark decision Atkins v. Virginia 536 U.S. 304, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that executing a person with intellectual disability is a violation of the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment,” but left states to determine their own criteria for intellectual disability. AAIDD has always advocated against the death penalty for people with intellectual disability and has long provided amicus curiae briefs in Supreme Court cases. Thus, in this comprehensive new book published by AAIDD, notable authors in the field of intellectual disability discuss all aspects of the issues, with a particular focus on foundational considerations, assessment factors and issues, and professional concerns in Atkins assessments.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Dr. Kevin McGrew conference presentations in 2015 (as of 1-7-15)

FYI.  The blogmaster (Dr. Kevin "IQ" McGrew; aka the Time Doc) has a number of scheduled conference/workshop presentations scheduled for the first part of 2015.  This list is up-to-date as of 1-7-15.  This document, which can be downloaded by clicking here, will be updated when necessary.  These different presentations deal with developments in the CHC model of intelligence or the new WJ IV battery.  Additional information can be found at the MindHub.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Article: 10 Trends to Watch in Special Education in 2015

Content curated via IQs Corner and the MindHub.

10 Trends to Watch in Special Education in 2015

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What is talent – and can science spot what we will be best at?

An excellent article by my friend and colleague Scott Barry Kaufman

Content curated by IQs Corner and the Mind Hub

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Sharing Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) in Canadian Children via BrowZine

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) in Canadian Children
Irwin, Julie K.; Joschko, Michael; Kerns, Kimberly A.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol. 28 Issue 8 – 2014: 1258 - 1277


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