Wednesday, June 08, 2016

CHC theory ability defintions (v2.3)--update of definitions

Joel Schneider and I (2012) provided the most contemporary published description of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of human cognitive abilities in a 2012 book chapter.  A subsequent revision of these definitions, including a few proposed new narrow abilities, was published in the appendix of the WJ IV Technical Manual (2014).

I recently developed a slightly revised set of CHC definitions (v2.3), which are briefer and fit on one page of paper (printed on both sides).  I am now making this CHC brief definition document available to readers (click here)

Joel and I have agreed to revise our 2012 book chapter and we will be making some recommended changes.  We have not yet started, so the above brief document can serve as an interim CHC definition update.
