I need to give Angela Duckworth credit for bringing a number of non-cognitive (conative) traits to the attention of researchers and the public. Most of the thinking dispositions that define grit have been studied for decades in psychology. I think the benefit of her single catchy term "grit" is that it is a catchy single term that shines attention on a broad area of human traits and attitudes. In many respects much of the pieces of grit are part of the works of such prominent psychologists as Richard Snow (aptitudes). I've long had an interest in this area, and have blogged about it under the phrase "Beyond IQ." You can sample some of this diverse research at the following link.
Developing your Passion and Practicing Perseverance: Is Grit the New It?
"Compared with what we ought to be, we are only half awake. Our fires are damped, our drafts are checked. We are making use of…