Monday, October 23, 2017

The Evolution of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence: Schneider & McGrew 2018 summary

The Evolution of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence: Schneider & McGrew 2018 summary from Kevin McGrew

This presentation includes a portion of key material to be published in a forthcoming CHC update/revision chapter--In D. P. Flanagan & Erin M .McDonough (Eds.), Contemporary intellectual assessment: Theories, tests and issues (4thed.,) New York: Guilford Press.

This is only a small amount of the chapter. Also, I have inserted some new material related to test interpretation that is not included in the to-be-published chapter. The tentative date for publication of the Flanagan book is spring 2018. The majority, but not all, of this SlideShare presentation was originally presented at the 2017 NYASP conference October 19,2017.