I am pleased to announce the availability of MindHub Pub #3 (WJ IV Norm-Based and Supplemental Clinical Test Groupings for "Intelligent" Intelligence Testing with the WJ IV). Click the link to view or download.
The material in this document is based on my work during the development of the WJ IV as well as significant post-WJ IV publication analyses. I have been completing considerable post-WJ IV data analysis in response to questions on listservs and to develop advanced and clinical interpretation information for convention presentations and workshops. In the past I had the luxury of time to write professional books re: clinical "intelligent" intelligence testing with the WJ (1986) and WJ-R (1984). I was unable to find time for the WJ III nor the WJ IV. So much to do....so little time.
I have presented early versions of this material at conventions and workshops. However, I never felt comfortable with the final product. The most important reason for not distributing widely was my knowledge that the CHC model was in the process of responding to new research and insights--to be published this fall 2018 in a chapter by Joel Schneider and myself. I only wanted this"supplemental grouping strategy" worksheet material (ala, Dr. Alan Kaufman's shared ability approach to test interpretation) to be made available once the revised CHC model had been described. This event will occur this August with the publication of our chapter. An early visual-graphic overview of the chapter, presented in a nifty animated YouTube video was released at this blog approximately a week ago.
So...enjoy the material. This is not a book or article--more of a detailed PPT presentation. It should be understandable to clinicians familiar with the WJ IV, CHC theory, and Kaufman's "intelligent" intelligence test interpretation approach.
Below is a sample worksheet--for Gc related tests. Click on images to enlarge.