Saturday, November 02, 2024

Research Bytes: Five new #crosscultural #intelligence papers addressing the #WISCR to #WISCV and #WAISIV #IQ test batteries

I just received this Semanitc Scholar journal alert message that includes five research articles (click on links to go view journal article pages..I think they should work) addressing the psychometric qualities (e.g., invariance; comparability) of initially US developed and normed childhood and adult Wechsler batteries in Korea, Indonesia, France, India, UK, and other Asian countries.  

Dongwook D Lee, Kyoung Hi Ryu, So-Hyun Ahn Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
OBJECTIVE This exploratory study examines the cognitive profiles of South Koreans using the WAIS-IV. It compares scores from the original U.S. version (USW) with...
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Zeynep Özal, Federica Ambrosini, ... Giacomo Mancini BMC Psychology
Background Measuring psychological constructs in children presents unique challenges, as careful consideration of children's cognitive and socioemotional...
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Christiany Suwartono, Justinus Santoso, Daryl E Fujii Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
OBJECTIVE This study examined regional differences between Indonesians on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV Indonesia (WAIS-IV ID) and, in comparison, to...
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Jacques Grégoire Journal of Intelligence
The French adaptation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale of Children, 5th edition (WISC-V) was an opportunity to examine if some common representations of gender...
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P. A P, Farzin Irani, ... Preeti Sunderaraman Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
OBJECTIVE This study critically examined the adaptation and normative processes of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)India. METHOD...
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Mariarosaria Guzzardi, D. Menghini, ... F. Foti Frontiers in Psychology
Prospective memory (PM) is the ability to remember and realize one's intentions in the future; therefore, it is crucial for the daily functioning of children and...
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Intelligence theory

A. Troyer, Komal T. Shaikh, ... J. B. Rich Clinical Gerontologist
TLDR* The shortened MMQ-9 is a reliable, valid, and invariant measure of metamemory in middle-aged and older adults.
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Daryl E Fujii Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
INTRODUCTION This special series of exploratory studies compared WAIS-IV performances in five Asian countries: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, and Indonesia...
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Florence A.R. Oxley, Kirsty Wilding, Sophie von Stumm Intelligence

* What Does "TLDR" Mean?

TLDR (short for "Too Long, Didn't Read") is an automatically generated short summary of a paper. Learn More →

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