Friday, November 15, 2024

#WJIV Geometric-Quantoid (#geoquant) #intelligence art: A geoquant interpretation of #cognitive tests is worth a 1000 words—some similar “art parts” will be in #WJV technical manual

(You will need to click on image to enlarge figure to read)

I frequently complete data analyses that never see the light-of-day in a journal article. The results are all I need (at the time) to answer intriguing questions for me, and I then move on…or tantalize psychologists during a workshop or conference presentation.  Thus, this is non-peer reviewed information.  Below is one of my geoquant figures from a series of 2016 analyses (later updated in 2020) I completed on a portion of the WJ IV norm data.  To interpret you should have knowledge of the WJ IV tests—so you can understand the test variable abbbreviation names.  This MDS figure includes numerous interesting cognitive psychology constructs and theoretical principles based on multiple methodological lenses and supporting theory/research.  This was completed before I was introduced to psychometric network analysis methods as yet another visual means to understand intelligence test data.  You can play “where’s Waldo” and look for the following

  • CHC broad cognitive factors
  • Cognitive complexity information re WJ IV tests
  • Kahneman’s two systems of cognition (System I/II thinking)
  • Berlin BIS ability x content facet framework
  • Two of Ackerman’s intelligence dimensions as per PPIK theory (intelligence-as-process; intelligence-as-knowledge)
  • Cattell’s general fluid (gf) and general crystallized (gc) abilities, the two major domains in his five domain triadic theory of intelligence.…..lower case gf/gc notation is deliberate and indicates more “general” capacities (akin, in breadth, to Spearman’s g, who was Cattell’s mentor) and not the Horn and Carroll-like broad Gf and Gc
  • Newlands process and product dominant distinction of cognitive abilities.
Enjoy.  MDS analyses and figures will also be in the forthcoming (Q1 2025)  WJ V technical manual (LaForte, Dailey, & McGrew, 2025, in preparation) but not in the form of these mutiple method/theory synthesis grand figures….stay tunned.  I may create such beautiful geoquant WJ V masterpieces once the WJ V is launched in Q1 2025.  We shall see.  I find these grand synthesis figures particularly useful when interpreting test rests…all critical information in one single figure…would you?