Thursday, December 12, 2024

#Intelligence (#IQ) #cognitive testing in perspective: An #ecological systems brief video explanation—useful for #schoolpsychology

Click on image to enlarge for easy reading

An oldie but goodie!  This is a 19+ minute narrated video (sit down with your favorite beverage and enjoy) where I explain how intelligence (IQ) or cognitive ability testing should be better understood in the context of a larger ecological systems model perspective (Bronfenbrenner).  

I first posted the video in 2015—-9 years ago! So be gentle…I’m much better with these videos now :) Thus, some of my COI statements/disclaimers/affiliations are no longer accurte (and updated version can be found a—Under About IAP: The Director: Disclosures & Bio).

If all works well, just click the start arrow on the video screen…and tap the enlarge icon in the lower right corner.  This video is now hosted on YouTube, so it may be possible that you may first encounter 1-2 very brief adds that you can skip within the first 15-10 seconds.  It is possible (it seems to vary everytime) that you might be asked to “sign in” to show you are not a bot.  All you need to do is press the message, or if images of muliptle videos appear, press the first one…if you only get the message you may need to back up and try link again (no signing in….I hate having lost control of how these work by using YouTube 9 years ago…as now the starting has these mild annoyances..but it is the price for a free service).  Be aware that some of the first 4-5 slides may have minimal or no narration and you can skip ahead to the beginning…it is the first slide shown immediately below before the video. Given the caveats above, it is possible the video might not deploy exactly how I describe…the platform seems to be a bit tempormental, at least for me.  Enjoy.

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