Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Research byte: Early #numeracy and #mathematics development: A longitudinal #metaanalysis on the predictive nature of early numeracy—attention #schoolpsychology #SPED #WJV

Early numeracy and mathematics development: A longitudinal meta-analysis on the predictive nature of early numeracy.

Liu, Y., Peng, P., & Yan, X. (2025). Early numeracy and mathematics development: A longitudinal meta-analysis on the predictive nature of early numeracy. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000925

As an FYI, the forthcoming WJ V now includes, in the achievement battery, a measure of numeracy (Number Sense).  An age truncated version of this test was in the WJ IV ECAD.  In the WJ V this test covers the entire age span from young to old age.  

COI - although I am a coauthor of the WJ V, my WJ V contract is no longer a royalty-earning contract. I was paid for my work as an independent contractor—thus I have ZERO financial interests based on sales).  Complete COI available here.

Click on image to enlarge for easy reading